Friday, November 20, 2009


In the midst of the current economic situation I am now one of the 9.5 percent of Americans and 12.3 percent of Californians who find themselves unemployed. 

Since I have graduated from UCLA I have held two jobs both of which laid me off after I had been employed for a little over five months - you can file unemployment after working for a company for six months. Coincidence that right before I would be able to file unemployment I got laid off? I think not. 

It used to be that a college degree from a highly ranked university would guarantee you at least a decent job but now after being unemployed for a little over two weeks a management position at the local McDonald's is starting to look like a pretty good gig for me. Hey at least I would be able to sample the menu. On the other hand I would probably get fired faster than you can say "super size it" as I can picture myself turning down obese patrons. 

"Sorry we are currently unable to serve you because your fat ass does not need any more lard but Subway is right around the corner and I'm sure you can find a suitable meal there but you should hold the mayo." 

Note to anyone: ordering a Diet Coke with your Big Mac and super-sized fries does not make your lunch or dinner healthy. At all. 

Calories - Big Mac : 576, Large fry : 500. And for all of you who cannot add that is 1076 calories when a normal person should only consume about 1400 calories on a daily basis. You might as well order the regular coke. Fat ass. 

And so as you can see I now have an immense amount of free time on a day-to-day basis to -think about and research ridiculous topics (please see afore mentioned McDonald's topic), eat, sleep, look for jobs, look into the refrigerator hoping that miraculously some new food has magically appeared and finally contemplate whether or not I should be more productive. 

On an average day I wake up around 8 a.m. send out resumes, refresh craigslist about 25 times, send out more resumes, eat, watch t.v., listen to music, talk to Melissa five hundred times about absolutely nothing, read about my families' ridiculous Farmville conquests on facebook, and have numerous stare down contests with Stella. 

It seems now more than ever is the best time to go back to school however banks are turning down potential loan applicants faster than Lincoln University is turning down fat students' graduation dreams

But oh don't you worry in order to get our minds off the shit hole that is our struggling economy tabloids have flourished. Most Americans get a kick out of other people's tragedies. What better way to feel better about ourselves than by reading about celebrities public displays of retardation. 

If I hear one more thing about Jon and Kate's divorce or Tiger Woods marital indiscretions I may jump off my balcony or kick a baby. Do we not have anything better to do than revel in the mishaps of those in the public eye? Why don't we deter our attention away from the non-important lives of celebrities and instead focus on bigger issues like oh, I don't know, global warming? The recession? The conflict in the Middle East? Or how UCLA basketball can reestablish a dominate defensive presence and start showing a strong offensive prowess? 

Those are the topics that we should concern ourselves with. 

Instead more Americans subscribe to and read about the lives of those they do not know rather than about the national issues that directly effect them. 

And we still wonder how our nation has become plagued by ignorance and apathy.


  1. Finally! Thank you for giving me something refreshing to read. Rant on!

  2. I've been waiting and waiting.... oh stay away from my baby. He doesn't like to be kicked! Ha
