Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Attempt At A Short Story

As the sun-filled summer months faded into fall an improbable romance was brought to life.  A romance, which with the arrival of autumn, took shape and blossomed much like the flowers of spring whose sweet scent fills the air around them. 

These two lives - that to those from the outside looking in seemed so different - crossed paths and were brought together as the seasons began to change.  But what these two did not know was that at the end of their love affair they too would be forever changed.

This particular love affair began like most - with a momentary act of passion. 

From the very beginning the attraction was strong.  What began as a random act of lust turned into a dominant desire and need to be around each other.  All too soon their hunger for one another turned into intense cravings, only able to be quenched by the touch of the other.

Hours turned into days and days turned into nights. 

Neither one expected anything.  Neither one was looking for anything. But like most things in life the unexpected happens when you least expect it to. 

It grew to more than just a fling.  More than just a coincidental meeting.  It grew into love. 

Was it coincidence?  Was it just by chance?  Or was it fate that brought you to me?

I could feel the cool crisp air sting my face as we walked hand-in-hand down the dim lit back streets of the city. 

The smell of wood burning in the chimneys of the houses we walked past vanished into the dark depths of the night as my senses became consumed by your scent.

Though the temperature was low, as the fall breeze shook down the red and yellow leaves of the trees that lined our path, walking with you by my side brought a warmth throughout my body.  

Our eyes would meet and we would become transfixed on one another.  I would look into your dark tantalizing eyes and feel like I could see inside you.  I would feel like I could see the real you behind the mask that had been put up to allow you to avoid ever getting too involved.  I would feel like I could see above and beyond the wall that you had put up to protect yourself. That protected you from being hurt like you had been before. 

I would run my fingers through your hair just to have your scent on my hand.  I would breathe in your scent and let it linger, wishing this moment would never end.  Wishing you would one day be mine and this - our love - would never end. 

The soft brush of your skin against mine would bring a shock of chills down my spine.

Time seemed to stop when I was wrapped up in your warm embrace.  In our own world we would escape that which was pulling us in every different direction.  In our own world we were inseparable.  In our own world everything was perfect. 

Your touch was what I had been yearning for, what I had been waiting for.  Everything I had been wanting and more.  We would get lost in the stories we shared and the laughter that characterized our conversations.  

Laying lazily in bed talking about the past and planning the future were the times when I was most content.  How sweet it would be if those small moments in which we would lay within each others tight grasp would last forever.  How sweet it would be if this could go on forever. How sweet it would be if this - us - would one day be the forever I have dreamt about.  

How sweet this could have been and still could be. 

It was by chance we met. But for what reason?  But for what purpose?  Were we merely supposed to get a glimpse of what could be?  Of how sweet this love could be?

Only to be left with a broken heart and a feeling of loss?  A feeling of emptiness?  Is this forbidden love?  Were we merely supposed to get a taste of what real love is only for it to be taken from us?  

If only the feelings we so deeply have for one another could overshadow the harsh realities in which we live.  If only we could be in love like this without giving into the expectations and judgements of the outside world.  If only we could forget everyone else, everything else and run into the dusk.  Leave everything that was holding us back in the haunting shadows of the night. 

We can't be together now.  We can't be together tomorrow.  We must grow separate so that we can grow as one.  All we have is time.  

If fate brought us together it will bring us back together again.

The seasons will continue to change. Winter with all her glory will soon sweep away the leaves of autumn, leaving behind no trace of the vibrant colors that once brightened the trees.  Many more seasons will come and go as time continues to move forward but my love for you will never go away. 

And so all I can do is wait until the day that you are once again in my arms.  

All I can do is wait until the day that you are mine. 

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