Monday, January 9, 2012

Long time comin'

Hello all my loyal blog fans (aka my grandma and mom) after a far too long hiatus from the blogging/writing world I am happy to say that I am back. 

I realize it’s been far too long since I last wrote. I do apologize for this leave of absence however my life has been quite hectic since our last meeting and despite loving to talk about myself - as I’m sure many of you whom I associate with on a daily basis have come to know and maybe even become heavily annoyed with – I haven’t found the time to put it into writing. You see I have been a busy little bee.

Ok maybe I’ve just been lazy. But for whatever the reasoning, I am back and will try to keep you updated on the life of times of me (as I know it is a very exciting life I run).

I would get you all caught up on the time in between my last post and now however that could be a short novel and so I will spare you the details and start anew.
With 2011 gone and 2012 already underway I tried to take some time out of my busy schedule (of sleeping, eating, working, drinking and being lazy) to reflect on the year passed.

Many have a New Year resolution that they make in hopes of quitting something, losing weight and bettering themselves but for me I have an enumerable amount of resolutions in which I wanted to make in which I think will make my life better.
                1. Quit smoking.
2. Spend more time with family and friends that are like family.
3. Save money.
4. Become famous.
5. Win the lotto.
6. Kill Melissa Romero. (Yes we still talk daily and still utterly annoy the shit out of each other).
7. Bring Chris Paul or Dwight Howard to the Lakers.
8. Have better style.

I do realize that many of these are far beyond reach (like me saving money) but a girl can dream and I can work on the other more attainable ones in the meantime.

I also turned 26 this past year. While I don’t think I thought too extensively at the time about what this would mean (as I was intoxicated and ended up at a strip club) since then I have done some thinking. You see for 26 years I have tried to emulate my life after that of the Kardashians. Yet despite having a fat ass like Kim (but one that doesn’t make me millions), a love for the brothers and amazing personality like Khloe and a recent dysfunctional relationship like Kourtney I have come to the conclusion that I will never be one of them. As sad as I was when I came to this realization I have finally accepted it (kind of).

So with the coming of a new year in age I guess you could say that I have now realized that I will never become adopted by the Kardashians or the Jolie-Pitts - (despite numerous pleadings and letters to them which have been unanswered for whatever the reason maybe I sent it to the wrong address?) - and so (dun dun dun) its time to grow up and be more responsible. I have tried to resist this for so long. But I think the time has come.

Not to say that I am going to become like a real boring responsible adult but rather a Brittany responsible adult. What does this mean you may ask...

Well it means a few things like: I will no longer drunk dial my grandma, spend an excessive amount of money on alcohol over the course of a weekend, buy shots for everyone at the bar which leads to a ridiculous bar tab, lose my driver’s license at bars, no longer will I accumulate a large amount of parking tickets, I will try to save money, I will no longer fantasize about being adopted by the Jolie-Pitts, and I will be on time for work. (Ok, well I will try to be on time for work).

Whew. I think that’s a pretty good list for now. I mean I can't just all of a sudden become as responsible as Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton overnight. It will take time but I am willing to try.

Now I must work so that I can earn money so that I can blow it - I mean save it.....

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