Sunday, July 25, 2010

In Limbo

I know all my blog fans - aka my Grandma, Mom, and Aunt Alison - will be thrilled to know that after a far too long hiatus from the wonderful world of blogging - I am back.

If you know me then you know that I had taken a short "leave of absence" from the working world. And by "leave of absence" I mean the last two jobs I had laid me off. And by laid me off I mean they fired me.

But whatever the case may be and much to the disarray of many who thought I could either: A. Never get a job or B. Never hold a job C. Get a job but never hold one and D. All of the above - I am back to working the 'ol 9 to 5.

I have even managed to hold this job for over three months which to most seems like nothing but to me is nothing short of a personal accomplishment. The three month mark marks the end of the probationary period, the beginning of health and dental benefits and the ability to surf the web while maintaining the "I'm extremely busy don't bother me" work mode face.

And yet, while I have now set myself apart from the 12.3 percent of Californians who find themselves unemployed, I now seemingly find myself much like
Leonardo DiCaprio found himself in the movie Inception: in limbo, or rather in an intermediate or transitional state (thanks to for that definition).

Only for me this is not a high grossing summer blockbuster hit about a dream within a dream but a reality I find myself faced with.

I am currently at a weird age and cross roads in my life a sort of "in limbo" if you will - I have yet to win the lotto or stumble upon billions of dollars via Oprah's last will and testament and so I am in the process (as I have been the last two years since I graduated college) of deciding what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have been torn between many ideas all of which require a strong commitment and dedication and Lord knows I am horrible at commitment.

Example: I can't even commit to how I should do my hair on a day-to-day basis - curly or straight? I can't decide on one way or another and so it usually ends up looking like a mixture of the two which on rare occasions looks good but on any other given day looks like I just woke up after sleeping in a wind tunnel.

But back to this sort of crossroads - I find myself constantly entertaining the question of "what now?"

I find myself in the midst of an ultra important decision comparable to
LeBron James' decision as to what team he would play for for the next six years. And while I too would like to move down to South Beach and bless that fine city with my presence, the chances of me joining the NBA, being guaranteed $110 million dollars for six years of work and turning into an African American male are almost like the chances that Michael Jackson; the cute little large nosed black child who sang his ABC's to national audiences, would one day be a small nosed white man. Oh wait. Bad example.

Well the chances of that happening are from no chance to not a chance in hell.

Because unlike LeBron James, I will never be an NBA all-star nor make that much money. Nobody will want me to work for them that bad and my decision - as to what I want to do for the next six years - will not be a broadcast special showcased on ESPN.

So I ask myself and you the reader should I go back to school? If so, what school Law School or Grad School?

Furthermore what should I do for the rest of my life?

I obviously am incapable of making this decision on my own and need help the only real decision I have made thus far is that prostitution and stripping are out of my life plans.

So for suggestions please call. And if you don't have my number it's for good reason.

1 comment:

  1. Decisions are always hard to make but if you don't get started you will never finish. Follow your heart and step out in write so well so maybe that's your calling...the Jordan river didn't stop the flow until Joshua put his foot in step out and get started...your only prolonging the finish...GO Girl! Love gma
