Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Lakers or Rather the Cause of My Alcoholism

I consider myself an avid Lakers fan and this relationship we have, me as a fan and they as the team I am a fan of, is a love/hate relationship.

It goes like this: I hate to watch them choke and they love to make me watch them choke especially in the last few minutes of the game after I have invested numerous hours cheering.
I shout and cheer in hopes that through some miraculous intervention, maybe even from God himself, Kobe will hear me shouting "Go Kobe" and he will in turn go for 100 points and the Lakers will win. But as things are going as of late Kobe could go for 100 and the Lakers would still lose, most likely in the last thirty seconds by giving the ball back to the other team.

Now I am not a basketball player but I'm pretty sure that a main staple in the game is to not give the other team the ball especially when the game is on the line. I mean I'm just going out on a limb here.

This relationship is one of the hardest I have ever been in. It has brought me to the brink of tears, led to my alcoholic tendencies and all along been like a rollercoaster ride. I should just jump off the rollercoaster mid-ride and yet like an abused dog I keep on coming back for more.

I can only relate their wins and losses to the circumstances surrounding a battered woman. When they lose I feel beat down, I cry and vow to never go back and then the very next game they win and it is as if they are apologizing to me personally for being such a horrible companion the previous game and I am drawn back in.

It's a vicious cycle and yet I can't seem to shake it.

I have never felt so many mixed emotions in any other aspect of my life other than the hours I watch the Lakers play.

Perhaps this obsession is why I am still single. This relationship already takes up enough of my time and I can't commit to yet another relationship when I am currently still in one.

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