Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend of June 10

So with the kids and I staying with Kaylee last weekend we had the privilege of staying in the cozy confines of her beach house in Mission Beach. I had worked what seemed to be the longest week of my life and so after work on Friday I was greeted by Kaylee and the kids.

Since Kaylee had to work the next morning super early we decided to stay in and watch scary movies. Aw aren't we so cute..... or pathetic.

On Saturday June 10 my friend Krista graduated from UCSD and despite Kaylee, Jenny and I showing up 2 hours late to her graduation party, for no good reason, we all had a great time. My immediate thought after greeting Krista was to find the alcohol I saw in her family and friends' hands. Once I found where they were hoarding the beer I began to drink at an unreasonably fast rate. After three beers in 20 minutes I was cracking jokes with everyone and Krista and I were the life of her party.

Please note: If you are having a party and want to be the center of attention do not invite me as I will steal your glory because I was an only child for 20 years and I still I think everything is about me. Cause it is.

But back to Krista's party.... her whole family was there and it was a lot of good times with good people.

After her party we all headed back to Kaylee's beach house for some drinks and to get ready to go out. We decided to go to sandbar, which is less than a block away and easy to walk or crawl to after consuming drinks. We put on another coat of makeup, deodorant and perfume and were off.

Now for all of you who know Jenny, Krista, Kaylee and I when we are together it is craziness. There doesn't even have to be alcohol involved for us to be the life of the party and act crazy but when you add alcohol into the equation shit hits the fan.

The following things may or may have not happened to one or more of us thus far in our drunken nights:
Throwing up in a bed all over the sheets, falling off a skateboard in the middle of the street, bathing suit tops coming off in a jacuzzi, having a make out contest with a random guy on the boardwalk, waking up to find sand in not so pleasant places, jumping off a cliff in havasu because your friend propositions you with a beer bong, waking up with no pants on and the list goes on.

However please note: I have left out many other things that have occured as I do not want to divulge to you, the reader, some of the not so PG situations we have found ourselves in.

But back to the four of us going out for Krista's graduation. We get to the bar only to come to the horrible realization that there are no attractive men. And when I say none I mean none.

Now our conversations about the men went something like this:

"Hey that guy would be cute if he had all his teeth, yeah his friend would be cute if his nose wasn't the size of the banana." Anytime your night begins like this nothing good ever comes out of it. It will usually end in my friends or I kissing the ugly guy because the rest of us will sadistically conspire to tell the other that the ugly guy with no teeth and acne actually is cute once you get to know him.

A couple of vodka/crans later the men became more attractive and my friends became more fun. We proceeded to not give a shit what anyone else thought and started making up dance moves in the middle of the dance floor. We laughed, drank, danced, met random guys and had soooo much fun. Some guys came back to the house but when the alcohol was all out I decided to go to sleep since none of the guys seemed as cool or attractive when I couldn't see double anymore.

So I went to bed and woke up the next morning with my hair, chest and hands covered in something sticky and a lollipop stuck to my shirt. I don't remember eating a sucker. As I walked out to the living room and was made fun of by my friends I swooped in on their current conversation about how they were mad because three hot boys spent the night. Now this usually would never be a problem except for the fact that we had no idea they slept there. Now I'm not a genius or anything but I'm pretty sure it's a good night when there are three hot men, three girls and a slumber party results. But the fact that we didn't even know that's just depressing. How did we not jump on this opportunity? It's no wonder why the four of us are all single as apparently we love drinking alcohol and passing out more than we love the embrace of a man.

The next day my mom, Heleyna and Michael met me at the beach to go to Belmont park and ride the rides. It was so great to see them all and we had sooooo much fun riding the rides, eating cotton candy and going to the beach. Heleyna went on the scariest rides and Michael went on the merry-go-round, a submarine and a little boat. It was so cute seeing how much fun they had and to see that even the simplest things in life make kids so happy.

Krista came over to the beach house after they left and brought with her a small bar with many handles of liquor. I obstained from drinking for the night but Krista managed to get a great buzz and be the usually happy drunk she is.

I went to bed and my work week started the next day. Now usually I will compare my work to a Chinese sweatshop but with my boss out of town the atmosphere was a little less than the usual concentration camp we work in. I believe that week my attire consisted of either sweats or jeans and doing the least amount of work possible. All in all it was a great weekend that was followed by a good week.
Be still my babies funnier blogs will follow. But until then I will end with a little food for thought: friends don't let friends get fat and if they do they aren't good friends. I am now considering finding new friends.

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